Storytelling is the golden key that opens any door of success!

In the digital age, we are being flooded with so much information. We are overloaded. Attention is one of the most important currencies of the 21st century.

So, if you have something to say, how do you say it? How do we stand out from the crowd? How do we attract attention? How do we make it memorable? How do we create a change?

The answer is -telling stories. Stories inspire us, stories motivate us, stories capture our attention, stick in our minds. From communication and marketing, to art and teaching, from leadership and politics to pitching and product development storytelling takes place everywhere. Stories are core of everything!.

We communicate with stories. We learn with stories. We sell with stories.  Storytelling is a powerful way to, build relationships, sell products and ideas, and inspire others.



I believe when stories are used effectively, they create magic, they inspire and influence people.
The stories you tell become your reality.

I’m the Co-Founder of Storytelling Academy.

As a professional storyteller and story coach,
I help people and companies to find, create and tell their unique stories that make them succeed in life and business.

Read more about my story.

Story Services

Storytelling Training Programme

Start your journey to explore the story world.
Learn how to use storytelling techniques in your life and business.

Brand Storytelling

How To Differentiate Your Brand And Grow Your Business?
Let’s work together to create a meaningful brand to attract high-value clients.

Story Coaching Programme

Your story matters! The story you tell create your life and business,
What is your story? What kind of story are you telling?
Let’s unlock the magic of your story.

Storytelling in Education

Learn master storytelling methods to make teaching memorable and entertaining.

Kulenga Storytelling

Learn how to create story together and improve your telling skills.

Storytelling Performance& Keynote Speaking

Inspire with stories in your organization.
Make your conferences, summits more engaging and entertaining.

Storytelling Training Programme


Jolana Dočkalová

External consultant, trainer and coach at Erasmus + Youth CZ
Company NameThe Centre for International Cooperation in Education

I have had a very inspiring workshop with Eda, full of examples of how different picture cards and dice can be used to tell stories together. The demonstration helped me to imagine how to use these techniques in my training sessions and workshops. Thanks for a unique and memorable experience 🙂

Ana Farelo

International Center for Intercultural Research, Learning and Dialogue

Trainer &Project Coordinator

Once upon a time, in the very green lands of Scotland there was a lovely training course called “The heart of the story”. There were many participants, one of them was a trainer from Turkey called Eda. One day we had the opportunity to learn something amazing from Eda, to tell stories in an even more magical way. With her Kalimba she transport us into a storytelling mood. From collective stories to individual we spend an amazing 50 min telling stories and letting our imagination go wild. Using different methods, as cards and cubes we followed Eda instructions for a session of pure entertain! Thank you Eda for showing us something so amazing as your art!

Ceren Güner

Each session of the Storytelling Consultancy Programme was very unique. Eda who is passionate about her job took me to the journey of the magical world of the stories. Learning the practical and theoretical knowledge together contribute me a lot, not only my daily life but also my business life.I realized that after each session I wished this training would never end. Every time we finished the lesson, I could see the difference. As I saw my progress, I had many creative ideas, motivation, new information and I feel more active in my professional life. I am very pleased to have this education and begin many works and projects after the programme. The hero has returned to real life, but no longer the same person. More creative, more confident and full of inspiration. Thank you, Eda, for all your sincerity, endless efforts and patience. 

Carmine Rodi Falanga

Co-founder and CEO of the social enterprises Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente (Italy) and Vice Versa CZ (Czech Republic).

I work as a trainer, consultant and coach using storytelling methods for pesonal development and competence building of people and organizations.I met Eda in a course in Scotland. We were working on storytelling for education and youth work. It was a real pleasure to meet and work with Eda. I remember her dedication, energy and sincere enthusiasm for collecting and telling stories, and learning about people and the experiences of their lives.I am very pleased to say that we have stayed in touch since then, we exchange professional and personal views. I would appreciate any opportunity to develop ideas and cooperation with her.

Federico Allegro

Founder and CEO of Deary, a tech start-up.

I met Eda in a business training course about storytelling. At that time, Eda was one of the trainer in this entrepreneurship programme. I could discover a great professional and more important an amazing person. We kept in contact until now and every time she has been able to enrich my mind with different point of views.Since when we met, she supported me to turn a business idea into a mindful value proposition. Through our relationship I realized the different between selling a product and creating stories.She is a great consultant because she has a genuine passion about storytelling and she is able to make you truly understand how this can be related with all aspect of your life, from business to personal relationships.However, her highest skill is the ability to make you connect with your emotions and feelings. It can seem a not-practical aspect in the business. But learning how to focus on emotions and describe them with the power of a story is the key of reaching other people minds and of every successful business.

The best stories always succeed. Nothing captures an audience’s attention like a great story.
So why wouldn’t you want great stories at the heart of your life and brand?

Imagine you are holding a magical lamp. A  genie appears and says
“I am the story genie of this lamp.What is your wish?”

What would you wish for? 
Let’s work together to help you create a meaningful story!

Contact me via email to enquire about my services.

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Some Stories

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Yazının Hikayesi I: Kil Tabletlerden Dijital Tabletlere; Hiyerogliflerden Emojilere

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